Since 2021, innovation has a special place at the Salon du Brasseur as the first edition of a competition reserved for exhibitors was born: the BRASSINOV® Contest.
This annual competition is organized by the Musée Français de la Brasserie and DESTINATION NANCY. It highlights the innovations of the exhibitors at the show and rewards those that meet the requirements of the societal and environmental challenges of the entire malting and brewing industry: from raw materials to beer consumers.
Registration for the BRASSINOV® competition is free of charge, provided that you are an exhibitor at the Salon du Brasseur and contribute to the improvement of the malting and brewing industry through your activity and research efforts.
In addition to being a direct exhibitor or co-exhibitor, you must be able to present your product/machine/equipment/service at your booth on the day of the Brewer’s Show. This must also be launched after September 30, 2023.
You must declare your innovations via the registration form below. Each innovation must be the subject of a separate registration file.
Participants have until September 27, 2024 to submit their entries via the registration form below.
The Jury, composed of experts recognized in their field of expertise, meets in October to select the winners.
The awards ceremony takes place during the opening of the Salon du Brasseur.
For the 2023 edition, applications must be returned before September 27, 2024 by mail or by email to :
Musée Français de la Brasserie
62, rue Charles Courtois
54210 Saint-Nicolas-de-Port
Coming soon.
2023 : 3rd edition of the BRASSINOV® Contest
12 exhibitors participated in the competition during the Salon du Brasseur
4 of them were rewarded at the BRASSINOV® Trophy awards ceremony at the end of the inauguration on Friday October 20, 2023 at the Parc Expo in Nancy:
- EQUILABO for ETHOS X2.0. With SFME microwave hydrodistillation, the brewery extracts its own essential oils, dry or fresh hops, and other aromatic botanicals. Injecting the oils after the whirlpool, before or after fermentation, or even during packaging, reduces losses and shortens process times;
- EZS EASY SOLUTIONS for FILLITRON. Monobloc (rinser, filler and capper) for glass bottles, aluminum bottles and cans, with minimal changeover time (20 min) (1,300 bph in 33cL, minimal oxygen intake and beer loss). Filling is volumetric (flowmeter by tap) and with double pre-evacuation. Washable with foam gun;
- LES MALTIERS (BOORTMALT) for Infusion Malt is a low-carbon barley malt. The malt is infused with various plants and spices. It enables the brewer to develop a range of different beers without adding flavoring or spices;
- TINAFLEX for the FlexBOT© natural PP-H stopper with aeration system. Simply rinse the hose with clean water. The hose can be reused in full compliance with current standards. This plug extends hose life.
2022: 2nd edition of the BRASSINOV® Contest
19 exhibitors participated in the Brassinov competition during the Salon du Brasseur
4 of them were rewarded during the BRASSINOV® Contest award ceremony at the end of the inauguration on Friday 21 October 2022 at the Parc Expo in Nancy:
- MALT’IN POTT for its smoked and roasted malts made with a roaster (with a capacity of 200kg) and a smoker (with a capacity of 120kg). These small tools allow the creation of numerous taste combinations;
- NOMOQ AG for its “No Minimum Order Quantity” printing technology allowing to print aluminum cans without minimum order quantity thanks to a printing technology new in Europe, which allows an infinite variety of colors and patterns;
- NEW DRINK SYSTEM for its portable Beer Up filler for craft beer adapted to a 5 liter stainless steel keg;
- AUTAJON ETIQUETTES for its eco-designed labels made with a random printing technique in 1 black only and barley waste, recycled fibers and virgin wood pulp as raw materials.
This year, the jury had a crush on BARANGÉ and its low stools made of recycled corks!
2021: 1st edition of the BRASSINOV® Contest
17 exhibitors participated in the Brassinov competition during the Salon du Brasseur
3 of them were rewarded during the BRASSINOV® Trophy award ceremony at the end of the inauguration on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 11:00 am at the Parc Expo in Nancy :
- Trophy « Optimisation des procédés et équipements » awarded to ARCOS for their Zephytec dehydrator ensuring the transfer of technology between sectors and presented as an example of industrial ecology;
- Trophy « Service et process » awarded to LALLEMAND for The Brew Farmhouse™; a hybrid Saison beer yeast that does not metabolize dextrins
- Trophy « Différenciation commerciale et emballage » awarded to Imprimerie LOOS for their adaptation to very small series of a recyclable can consolidator.